Wednesday 17 August 2022

Liz Cheney's loss is good news for Trump and bad news for the United States of America

Liz Cheney, one of the few senior Republicans to stand up to Donald Trump, has been cast aside by her party's voters in the primary election in Wyoming and some unknown who is loyal to the former president won by a huge majority. Trump will see this as vindication of his hatred for Cheney, daughter of the former vice president, Dick Cheney, and total vindication for his any-week-now decision to stand again for the presidency in 2024. He will see the defeat for Cheney in the Wyoming primary as proof that people still love him, well Republican voters in Wyoming anyway. It's all a man like him needs. Adoration and loyalty and he got both in Wyoming. It's very sad news for Cheney who has spent so long in Congress and deserved to continue with her political career. Now she says she is pondering the possibility of standing for president in 2024. But, seriously, she won't have a chance. Not against Trump. Taking a hostile position vis a vis Trump is like walking across a motorway without looking both ways. Good luck to her but I fear her dreams of high office are very very unrealistic. The worst thing is it means the US has just taken one big step backwards towards another Trump era.

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