Monday 29 August 2022

Keeeeeeep dancing Sanna Marin, Finland needs you

On a lighter note, all this fuss about the Finnish prime minister, 36-year-old Sanna Marin, caught dancing her socks off at a rave party! First of all, good on you, Sanna Marin, have fun in life. But what an uproar it has caused. The more conservative types have criticised her for looking too unlike a prime minister and hinted that someone of her gender and age dancing wildly while she should be at her desk reading whatever prime ministers are supposed to read was totally wrong and humiliating for the country as a whole. Well it's all stuff and nonsense of course. I am sure she is a devoted prime minister but needs to let off steam sometimes. The Finnish people should be happy and grateful that they have a normal human being in charge. Whoever leaked the video of her dancing needs to get a life. But of course politicians and political leaders in particular have to be careful. Look at our Boris Johnson who has been caught doing silly things so many times that eventually it all became too much and he had to go. So beware, Sanna Marin, enjoy your life but watch out for those horrible people who will betray you for a few sheckles. In the meantime, as the two presenters of the BBC's Strictly Come Dancing say at the end of each show: "Keeeeeeeep dancing."

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