Friday 14 January 2022

Apologies apologies apologies - the Boris Johnson legacy

It really is one apology after another from Boris Johnson and his government after a whole series of Christmas and farewell parties at Number 10 Downing Street during the pandemic social restrictions are revealed. It almost beggars belief. How is it possible that Number 10 was having a shindig on the very evening before the Queen was to attend the funeral of her beloved husband, Prince Philip, when she was caught on camera sitting all alone in the pew? I still can't really believe it. But these scandalous titbits of revelatory items are being leaked, this time to the Daily Telegraph. I don't know who is behind all these carefully timed leaks. But a cetain Dominic Cummings, Boris's former chief adviser at Number 10 who got shafted by Boris, always said he had diaries and emails full of stuff that would harm his former boss. So I guess there's a whole lot more to come out. The latest apology from Boris, to the Queen herself, is surely the most galling of all, galling to Boris that is. As for Her Majesty she must have given up being surprised by her flaxen-haired prime minister a long time ago. We humble folk have now got the message. While we were all hiding in our houses, not seeing other members of our families, observing the law like good citizens, Number 10 - and other departments it seems - were partying, partying, partying. It's no longer a laughing matter, it is sheer effrontery. Whether it's criminal is a matter for others. Whether it's a resigning offence, that's up to Boris. But how many times should you be allowed to apologise to the Queen and stay in office? I think just once and that's being very generous.

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