Friday 26 February 2021

When push comes to shove, Russian diplomats leave North Korea by trolley

When you gotta go you gotta go. Russian diplomats based in Pyongyang but due to leave to return to their Motherland were told there was no way out. No planes. No trains. The Covid barriers had come down and they couldn't get out. So they adopted what can only be described as desperate measures worthy of a top class spy novel to leave the country. They went as far as they could by bus and train to get within one kilometre of the border with Russia and then borrowed a rail trolley, put their luggage and children on it and then took it in turns to push it down the line till they got over the frontier. Good for them. What a way to exit one of the worst countries in the world. It brought back mwemories of how Britain's MI6 spirited master double agent Oleg Gordievsky out of Moscow in 1985 and safely over the border into Finland, with the KGB/MI6 agentlying uncomfortably in the boot of a diplomatic car. At least the Russian diplomats could carry out their trolley journey without fear of being unmasked or shot at but I bet there was a cheer of relief when they spotted the border and saw some Russian compatriots waiting for them on the other side. A great tale.

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