Tuesday 9 February 2021

Trump blamed Wuhan but still no proof. Apparently.

Deep down everyone in the West probably thinks the Covid-19 virus began its life after leaking from a coronavirus laboratory at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan in western China. But according to the World Health Organisation team that carried out an investigation of the origins of the pandemic, it's "extremely unlikely" that this is how the virus emerged and spread around the world. The trouble is the WHO team was chaperoned like only the Chinese and the North Koreans know how to chaperone while they carried out their investigation. So how will we ever know whether they carried out a really proper investigation or did they just accept what they were told by their Chinese host? Admittedly when the pandemic broke out, senior US military people stated it was their belief, presumably based on intelligence provided by the CIA and National Security Agency, that it was "unlikely" coronavirus had leaked from the Wuhan laboratory. They seemed to agree with what the WHO team has concluded today which is that the virus emanated from live bats. I'm not a conspiracy supporter generally. But it's very difficult to disassociate the two things that cannot be argued against: The virus started in Wuhan and in the city of Wuhan there is a laboratory which does a lot of work on coronavirus. Could just be a coincidence but it's not a coincidence one can easily dismiss. Still, the WHO team has come away reassured by what they found or didn't find. Donald Trump blamed China, Wuhan and the Institute of Virology in numerous tweets, and most people in America probably believed him. But Trump no longer tweets, his second impeachment trial begins today. So China wins.

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