Tuesday 16 February 2021

Biden wants to close Guantanamo and ban assault rifles. Good luck with that!

After years of trying under different US presidents there appear to be certain policy dreams that can never be achieved: banning assault rifles, closing Guantanamo detention camp, bringing peace to Afghanistan and implementing a workable and affordable healthcare programme. Joe Biden wants to do all of these things but he probaby has as much chance of success as his predecessors. Trump didn't care about banning assault rifles, Obama tried but just tinkered and George W Bush never really got to grips with it. Guantanamo was opened by George W and stuffed it full of suspect terrorist detainees, around 780 at its inmate peak, Obama released a lot of them in transfer deals with other countries but it stayed open throughout his eight years, Trump wanted to send more detainees and showed no interest in closing it, and now Biden has declared he intends to close it by the end of his "first" term. The war in Afghanistan, well the American-led one, started under George W in 2001 after 9/11, Obama tried desperately to find a way of ending it with honour but all he really did was send more and more troops and then bring some back under an arbitrary timetable, Trump did more than anyone to try and bring the war to a close by talking to the Taliban and reducing troop numbers to 2,500 but totally failed to bring peace and left the mess to his successor, and Biden doesn't yet know what he's going to do but has few options. George W didn't reform healthcare, Obama put it at the top of his domestic policy issues but then produced a massively complex and unaffordable Obamacare system which actually fined people who refused to partake, Trump hated it and tried but failed to throw it out and never came up with a proper alternative, and Biden wants to reinstate Obamacare in some form or other but it sounds a muddle. So all I can say to Biden is, good luck with your dreams and let's hope you can fulfill at least one of them. I can't even begin to predict which one it might be!

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