Tuesday 2 February 2021

Does congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene think the Martians have landed?

Without wishing to cast any aspersions on the recently-elected Georgia Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene but one does have to wonder whether she believes the Martians have or are about to land, that there are aliens living in every US city and that Trump should still be president. Well at least the last one has some merit if you happen to think, like she and Donald do, that the election was stolen from Trump and landed in the lap of Joe Biden by a series of nationwide fraudulent votes. She is a fanatical Trumpite and goes around wearing a face mask that says "Trump won". So that bit is cleared up. As for the other two scary items, who knows what she might believe. She does believe in a lot of weird and whacky things. Such as space lasers started the huge fires in California and the terrible fatal school shootings that scar the United States on so many occasions are hoaxes. What?!! You do wonder how people like this ever get elected to office but she did and she is now causing a nightmare headache for the Republican party. The trouble is Trump thinks she is the best thing since the invention of hairspray and the two have had a good long chat over the phone. Republicans are already in a tizzy about Trump, whether to dump him or cling to him, so with dear Marjorie being his standard bearer they haven't a clue what to do about her. They're hoping Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House will expel her from Congress for being totally batty, and dangerously so. You can see the problem the Republican grandees have in the wording of the statement put out by Mitch McConnell, now Minority leader of the Senate. He denounced everything she stood for but didn't have the courage to actually name her. I suspect Marjorie Taylor Greene who is 46 and comes from Milledgeville, Georgia, is not going to go away. She obviously loves the limelight and the crazy things she believes in are also believed presumably by the crazy people who voted her into Congress. So watch out for more space lasers!

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