Thursday 20 August 2020

I think there is now an unstoppable momentum for the Democrats

Listening to and watching Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and the old guard - Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton - it's such a reief to hear words of hope and optimism and a better future and, in Kamala's case, spoken from the mouth of a new generation. America has been in the hands of an old and often angry man for the last three and a half years and, if Biden wins, will be in the hands of an even older (only slightly) older man for the next four years. But Kamala will be there by his side. OK, Mike Pence is much younger than Trump but he still looks and behaves like an older generation apparatchik. Kamala is fresh news. She is the new Democratic party. She will help to bring in new and younger talent. I hope. While she and the others spoke at the national democratic convention without any crowds to cheer them on, Trump was monitoring every word and rushing to his phone to tweet abuse, all in CAPITAL LETTERS. The way he is behaving reminds me so much of Richard Nixon, another angry man who never accepted that democracy meant you had to obey the laws of the land, even, and especially, as the president. Trump's capital letters were a sign I think of his growing awareness that he might not get reelected, and once that takes hold, we are bound to see more and more tweets about how the November election is going to be rigged and will need to be discarded. As the countdown begins, the final stretch of the 2020 election is going to be one of the dirtiest and most painful campaigns in living memory. Painful for the American people, that is. Throughout it all Kamala Harris has got to raise everyone's spirits and keep her eye on winning. But watch out for those Russians. They are plotting and planning to keep Trump in the White House, and how they are going to try and besmirch Kamala and Joe Biden we have yet to see. It won't be pretty, that's for sure.

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