Saturday 8 August 2020

All the bad guys want a piece of the US election action

There is no such thing anymore as a normal, ordinary straight-up-and-down election with two opponents and the voters free to choose whom they prefer. In the US right now there are so many different actors trying to muscle in, it's a wonder the voters know who to believe from one day to the next. According to the latest US intelligence, China, Russia and Iran are the key players who are trying to persuade American voters to go for their chosen candidate or just to interfere for its own sake because they can. The assessment of William Evaniva, director of the US National Counterintelligence and Security Centre and a veteran intelligence official with decades of experience, is that China is interfering in the election because they don't want Trump reelected, Russia is doing the same but in order to back Trump to beat Joe Biden, and Iran is doing malicious stuff to screw it up for Trump because Tehran thinks the current president will carry on doing what he has done since he first came to the White House, introducing hefty sanctions to destroy the Iranian economy and stop them from developing a nuclear bomb. So Biden doesn't exactly get the green light from any of these countries. Their focus is on Trump one way or the other. Hopefully the American voters are wise enough to ignore all this outside interference and just vote according to their own instincts and political tastes without reading or believing all the tosh that China, Russia and Iran are spewing out. They will need Bill Evaniva to come back again and again to warn everyone what is going on.

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