Sunday 2 August 2020

Beware: Russian agents are in town (Washington DC)

Here we go again. The Russians are at it once more, sending agents into Washington and elsewhere to spread fake news and false information around the place in order to bolster Donald Trump's chances of being reelected. It's apparently totally brazen but the American people so far have been kept blissfully unaware of what is going on. Why? Because the intelligence that has unmasked the Moscow plot is super-secret and can't be revealed to the public. That's what you call a Catch-22 situation. How do I know what the Russians are up to? Well, privileged members of Congress have received a top secret top-classified briefing and have tried to hint at what is going on without breaking their obligation to keep everything to themselves. Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker, and one of those who knows what's happening, didn't give much away other than to say that she was concerned the intelligence community was not being more open so that voters could be kept abreast of the Russian skulduggery. But others have been a little more indiscreet. Here is Democratic Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut who reveals a spicy piece of intelligence but hides it in a conditional clause. Very clever. "If the Russians are sending agents to the US to interfere in the election I don't care whether they are working for the Republicans or Democrats, there's no reason for not making that information public," he said. Remove the word "if" and you've got the story. Pelosi spoke of some "very specific ways" the Russians are interfering but couldn't reveal more. Someone else mentioned "Ukrainian actors". So watch out for a mass of dirty laundry about Joe Biden and his son Hunter and the Ukrainian gas company the son worked for. It sounds to me like the Russians are being so blatant that it has been pretty easy for the intelligence services to pick up on it. I expect over the next 90 odd days before the November 3 election, the "intelligence" will all come out one way or the other. But you can be certain that the president will downplay it all, if not dismiss it as fake news.

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