Sunday 5 April 2020

If only we had a better idea how much longer we have to stay cooped up

As Donald Rumsfeld would have said, there are so many unknowns we can only guess about and so many unknowns we know nothing about and so many unknowns we don't even know are unknowns that it makes looking into the future a fool's mission. Nevertheless the only way we are going to survive this coronavirus pandemic is when someone in authority and with exceptional knowledge can give us a reasonable prediction. Something like this: on the basis of what we now know, studying the way the virus has spread from country to country and from human being to human being, I can say with some reasonable confidence that by the middle of May we should be over the worst which means that some semblance of normality can return to our lives. From the middle of May, that's six weeks. We all could just about put up with another six weeks of this hibernation if we can start planning the rest of our lives from the middle of May. But what if it's going to stay like this, with businesses going to ruin and the economy diving to zero, and the virus beating all attempts to counter it, for, say, another six months or a year? I really don't think humankind can contemplate that sort of timescale. There HAVE to be brilliant solutions somewhere round some corner to give us hope and optimism. Surely there are enough brilliant minds around to get to grips with this new coronavirus and send it packing. Basically, instead of being forced on the defensive, cowering in our homes in case a virus droplet floats through the window, and building up the courage to go shopping for food, we need to wake up one morning to hear about an amazing, fantastic, life-changing medical/scientific/technogical breakthrough that will save the world and rid the planet of this bl...y virus. That's what we want. Instead we wake up every morning to hear about the latest failure by politicians or health bureaucrats, the latest defects in the system, the latest inadequate efforts to supply protection equipment for our doctors and nurses, the latest indecisions about virus-testing, the latest ghastly victim statistics and the latest pessimism about getting a virus antidote before some far-off month in 2021. Enough already! Please, it's breakthrough time!! We do not want our lives ruled by politicians who tell us we can't lie on our backs in the park for half an hour to enjoy the sun because it could kill people.

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