Friday 17 January 2020

Trump picks a surprise lawyer for his impeachment team

The name Kenneth Starr is inextricably linked to Monica Lewinsky, a sex-soiled blue dress and Bill Clinton, the saxophone-playing former president of the United States. He was the impeachment prosecutor in the notorious case of the White House intern who performed a certain sex act with the president which he denied ever took place. Now, unbelievably, having failed in his efforts to collect sufficient evidence to persuade Democrats in the Senate to kick Clinton out of the White House, he has been recruited by Donald Trump to make sure he sails through his impeachment trial starting properly next Tuesday. Wow, I suppose it's what lawyers do. They serve whichever client asks for advice whoever it is and whatever he has allegedly done. So, Clinton in one era and Trump in another. Big fees, so what the hell. But I loved Monica Lewinsky's reaction when she heard. It's a "are you f.....kidding me kinda day?", she wrote in a tweet. Well quite. Starr will now devote his time, his very lucrative time no doubt, fighting for Trump's cause just as he fought AGAINST Clinton. It's almost comical except that, like Monica Lewinsky, my first reaction was, you must be joking. Surely? The big trial is already set up, with the Chief Justice in charge and the Democrat prosecutors sworn in. The beginning of proceedings opens on Tuesday and could continue for two or three weeks. Trump wants it all to be over as quickly as possible and lawyer Starr will ensure that he meets his clients wishes. Will any of the Democrat prosecutors bring up Monica Lewinsky in passing? It will be difficult to prevent the name from slipping out. Starr of course being a professional lawyer, will admit no shame. It's just a job, he will say. Hohoho. I can't wait for the trial to begin.

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