Wednesday 18 December 2019

President Mike Pence waiting in the wings

There is a scenario which cannot be discounted. The impeachment trial of Donald Trump leads to a full vote of GUILTY by the Democratic members of the Senate and then out of the blue, a just large enough number of Republicans also vote against Trump, leading to him being ousted from the White House. Why would Republican senators do such a thing? After three years of Trumpism it's not too difficult to see their argument. Trump's America First strategy has led to battles and divisions at home and abroad, his confrontation with China has damaged trade long-term between the two countries and the whole of politics in the United States is in a state of chaos. Some Republicans might just see a way forward to bring their party back to its roots. Get rid of Trump and bring in Vice President Mike Pence who although a neo-con by nature and instinct, would probably calm things down and at the same time would inject a new ingredient into the 2020 presidential election campaign which would not be welcomed by the Democrats. Pence, if he played his cards right, could strike a blow to the Democrats' hopes of winning the election. If that were to happen Nancy Pelosi might regret ever giving her approval to the Trump impeachment. Pence himself must be thinking along these lines even if he never hints at any such thing. But secretly at night in the confines of his home I bet he has turned to his wife Karen and said: "Darling, you do realise that there is a small possibility I could be president in the early part of next year and you could be First Lady. How about that?" Ok, it's unlikely because the Senate trial will probably go the way everyone expects, an acquittal by the Republicans voting en mass aganst the Democrats. Trump then feels vindicated and goes on to win reelection. But there must be some Republicans, not the senior hierarchy, who hate Trump, hate what he stands for, and might feel tempted to seize the one historic chance they have to get rid of him. Pence is no hero, no white horse champion waiting to save the nation from dishonour. But there are huge swathes of people, politicians and ordinary citizens, who would sign up to an Anyone but Trump campaign. This could be Pence's great moment!

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