Friday 13 December 2019

Boris wins in style and promises a UNITED Kingdom

Well, it's all over, all the predictions of a hung parliament and a close call - apart from my prediction yesterday!!! - were wrong totally wrong. Corbyn never stood a chance, not with his 1950s political extremism. Boris claimed to be worried on the even of the election day about a close vote but surely he must have known from his own internal polls that he was set to win big. But I think most pundits were suprised by the size of his victory. It was staggering and must have made poor poor Theresa May sob into her leopard-skin shoes. Not because the Conservatives had won but because the man who succeeded her did so so much better than her apalling showing in the 2017 election. It was Boris's day. He wiped the floor, he sent Jeremy Corbyn into premature retirement, sat heavily on the Lib Dems, indirectly ousting leader Jo Swinson, and drove Nigel Farage and his Brexit Party into oblivion. He, directy or indirectly, achieved another unexpected coup. Dennis Skinner, veteran Labour MP for Bolsover (by veteran I mean veteran - 49 years as MP for Bolsover), the MP who always wore the same sports jacket in the Commons chamber ever since I can remember and the man with a pointed quip on his lips in every debate, lost his seat. Totally unbelievable. The Skinner demise says more about the total defeat of the Corbyn Labour movement than almost anything else. The ideology of the Corbyn era, the horrible Momentum group that kept him afloat and the smug hand-rubbing we're-in-charge grin on the face of the most outspoken union leaders, notably Len McKluskey, leader of the Unite trade union, a big-time donor to the Labour Party, all have been shunted into a dark cupboard with the door locked. Boris has the key. Meanwhile I hope a new fresh democracy-loving, bright, young, inspirational Labour Party will rise from the ashes. One of its members must be James Frith who sadly lost his seat in Bury North last night but deserves to be given another constituency as swiftly as possible. He is what the Labour Party should look and sound like in the future. OK, I am biased. He is my godson. But he has been a brilliant constituency MP and has been recognised in parliament as a talent to watch out for. But this is now Boris's time. He has promised not to let down those who voted for him, he has promised to unite the country, he has promised to act in the best interests of everyone whether in the south, north, east or west of this United Kingdom. After four years of dire almost unprintable political dithering and backbiting in the House of Commons over Brexit I think we all deserve a period of stability, hope and reassurance that we have a government who can properly govern and do its duty to Queen and country.

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