Friday 27 December 2019

Could the next US vice president be a big deal?

The role of vice president in the United States is not normally of major historic importance. Probably only one has had a great impact in recent years. Dick Cheney. Basically because of the well known deal between him and George W Bush in which the second Bush president agreed to let his Number 2 become a Super Interferer-in-Chief. Cheney was into everything, whispering if not shouting into Bush's ear at every available opportunity. But Cheney was unique, and uniquely powerful. The world could probably do without another Cheney. But let's look at the possible vice presidential candidates for the 2020 election. I've written before that I believe it would be brilliant for Trump to ditch Mike Pence and ask Nikki Haley, the former US ambassador to the UN, to join his ticket. It probably won't happen, but she would be sensational and it would give her a big chance of becoming president in 2024. She's good and, amazingly, has managed to escape the wrath of Trump. But it looks like the creepy Pency will be standing by Trump's side throughout 2020. So let's look at the Democrats. The ones that count: Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg and, maybe Mike Bloomberg. The latest whispers reveal that Bernie Sanders' campaign team is becoming increasingly confident that he might actually make it. So would he dare to ask Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the fiery, feisty Representative for New York's 14th congressional district who is currently a very lively member of his campaign team? She has really stirred things up politically since she was elected in the 2019 mid-term elections and Trump hates her. She is only 30 but my God she keeps people awake at night. Bernie and Alexandria together for the Democratic nomination? Wow, that would be fun. Joe Biden has to be very careful who he would choose. Like Bernie, he is pretty old, but would he get away with having a young attractive woman as his vice presidential running mate? Especially with his reputation for being overly closely attentive to women. I've suggested Kamala Harris before. No longer a candidate for president, she would undoubtedly add warmth and glamour and sharpness to his campaign. But he has to be careful. Bernie and Alexandria would look terrific but Joe and Alexandria? No. Joe and Kamala? Possible. Elizabeth Warren I guess would choose a male vice president and might be smart enough to go for Buttigieg. He would add quality and youth. Assuming of course Buttigieg doesn't make it to the nomination. As for Mike Bloomberg, I doubt anyone would want to be his vice president. The most exciting of this bunch? Without doubt, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

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