Friday 31 May 2019

Failure in North Korea leads to execution

It's not a proven fact as yet but some of the key North Korean officials involved behind the scenes in the aborted summit in Hanoi between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un have apparently been executed! Failure is a crime in North Korea. The only one named so far is the very ordinary-looking Kim Hyok Chol, former North Korean ambassador to Spain and a nuclear deterrence expert. He was a special envoy to the US for the denuclearisation talks between the two leaders. He was executed, so it is reported, at a North Korean airport. Was he perhaps attempting to leave the country and was stopped after passing through security, or does this airport have two functions? Whatever the truth, this poor man who was apparently a brilliant scriptwriter for summit chats, has met his end because Trump walked out of the Hanoi summi without any sort of deal, claiming that Kim Jong-un was asking for too much. The North Korean leader wanted all sanctions lifted before doing anything about dismantling his nuclear weapons programme. So had Kim Hyok Chol gone too far in his script for Kim Jong-un? Was it his fault that Trump walked out or is that just the way it goes in North Korea? The Hanoi summit failed so someone must be executed. I wonder how Trump feels and whether he might think twice about trusting his North Korean friend. Kim Jong-un has spent mucb of his formative leadership years executing people. Unless Kim Hyok Chol suddenly reemerges it has to be assumed that the reports are correct. So what will Trump and co do in future talks. Will Trump say to himself: "I can't walk out this time, otherwise some other poor mug is going to get killed." Oh my God, I've just realised. That's exactly why the former ambassador to Madrid, as well as about four other officals, were executed. It was Kim Jong-un's crafty plan to deter Trump from ever walking out again. It's brilliant!

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