Saturday 5 May 2018

The name Trump dominates the news agenda

I don't know for sure if this is true but I think I'm on pretty safe ground: the name Trump has appeared more times in the main American newspapers, especially on the front pages, than any other president of the United States during the same period since taking office. Trump would like that I think. Everywhere you read in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post it's Trump Trump Trump. The president would probably see this as a huge success story even though about 75 per cent of the mentions are in a negative or controversial context. The Washington Post can sometimes have half a dozen opionion pieces on the same day all about Trump in some way or other. Mass coverage of the Trump phenomenon can be explained in various ways. Here are a few: 1. He is in such trouble that almost every day brings more damaging stories about what he did, said, should have said or didn't say. 2. The papers are boosting their circulation because their editors recognise that the US and the world are obsessed with Trump. 3. He is such a different style of president, with no political background, that everything he says, does, tweets is instant news. Obama, obviously, got a lot of play when he became president because he was the first black White House encumbent, he was super cool and everyone was intrigued about how he would turn out. But I cannot believe he got as much print space as Trump in his first 16 months. Whatever you think of Trump, he is a news roller-coasting phenomenon. The FBI/Mueller black clouds may be closing in on him but you can be sure he is going to shout and scream and bellow and pontifcate and surprise us every minute of every day until the mighty Mueller investigation is over. Even then, Trump won't accept whatever Mueller comes up with. So the news pages will stay full of Trumpery. That's guaranteed.

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