Monday 22 January 2018

Trump tweeting for America

Trump tweeted 2,608 times in his first year in office. That's more than seven times A DAY. And this is the president who said he wouldn't tweet once he had become president. That's some tweeting. Many of them have been highly critical, some have praised his "wonderful" achievements in office, and others have been downright rude. Perhaps he already has a shelf-full of tweets already to go for 2018. Along perhaps these lines: "What do you call a steaming dog poo which has no owner to bag it up? A Democrat." "Government shutdown on my watch? I call that treachery. Send for the Marines!" "Stormy Daniels claims I asked her to spank me on the bottom with a copy of Forbes magazine. That's rich." "I deny knowing anyone called Stormy Daniels. This is all the work of that MI6 spy Christopher Steele. He made up that stuff about me and my golden showers in the Moscow hotel. Now this." "By the way, I've never been spanked. I suffer from antispankingitis and my doctor will confirm it. It makes me come out in red spots." "It's time that Froggie Macron was taken down a peg. He's swanning around the world like he owns. I OWN IT." "I hear my friend Angela Merkel might survive. Good on yer Ang, you know you can always count on me." "Off to Davos soon where I will be the superstar of the show. Everyone is dying to hear my speech. Can't believe they asked Modi, that Indian, to make the opening address. What do they think I am, a pile of trash?" "2018 is going to be a beautiful year, The Wall WILL happen. Don't listen to General Kelly." "In fact, never listen to General Kelly. He's so finished." "All I will say about the Winter Olympics is to remind the judges, America First." "All the Fake News outfits will be proved wrong. Watch the economy sky rocket, watch jobs go UP, watch the military get bigger and better. FAKE NEWS is yesterday."

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