Wednesday 17 January 2018

Trump passes the mental test

Trump's mental agility is up to scratch apparently. So says his doctor. Would he dare say otherwise? Think of the consequences for him and for the US administration if the doctor, Dr Ronny Jackson, had told the world, "I agree with Michael Wolff (author of "Fire and Fury", the president has the mental cognitive ability of a child." Well quite, there's no way he was going to say that. But, anyway, I'm sure Trump was perfectly capable of answering all the quick-fire questions thrown at him. Here's a selection: Jackson: "What is your name?" Trump:" Donald Trump." Jackson: "What year is it?" Trump: "2018, the year after I became the most powerful man on the planet." Jackson: "Just answer the question without extras please, Mr President." Trump: "Get on with it." Jackson: "Where is North Korea?" Trump: "Next to South Korea." Jackson: "What's the name of the North Korean leader?" Trump: "Little Rocket Man, and my best friend, probably." Jackson: "Do you have a nuclear button on your desk?" Trump: "I couldn't find one." Jackson: "Name four African countries." Trump: "Shithole ha ha, just joking, Nambia, Zambia, Gambia and Zimbabwia." Jackson, somewhat startled: "What's the Eurozone?" Trump: "Like the erogenous zone, but more French." Jackson, looking shocked: "Do you believe in climate change?" Trump: "Yes, it's freezing out there." Jackson: "A train driver called Dave picked up 23 passengers at the first station, 29 the next, 49 the next, 103 the next and 15 at the last station. What was the name of the train driver?" Trump: "How the **** should I know?" Jackson, taking notes:"HR McMaster, what does HR stand for?" Trump, grinning: "Human Resources." Jackson, scribbling furiously: "What's the most important thing you have ever done in your life?" Trump: "Tweet." Jackson: "Sorry?" Trump: "Tweet tweet." Jackson: "Why did you cancel going to the UK?" Trump: "Can't stand those stuck-up Brits." Jackson: "Word association. Just say the first thing that comes into your mind when I say a word." Trump: "I love this game." Jackson: "Black." Trump: "White." Jackson: "Friend." Trump: "Enemy." Jackson: "Enemy." Trump: "Bannon." Jackson: "Flynn." Trump: "*********." Jackson: "Media." Trump: "Fake". Jackson: "Collusion." Trump: "Fake." Jackson: "Mueller." Trump: "Sack." Jackson: "Thank you, Mr President." Trump: "Now go and tell the world I'm a genius."

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