Wednesday 24 January 2018

Terrible news about terrible men

Today is one of those days when, as a member of the male species, I despair about the terrible things going on involving men. The newspapers are full of horrific stories but no explanation about why such awful acts could possibly take place. Take the Danish submarine designer Peter Madsen who took on board a female journalist and proceeded to torture her, then murder her, then cut up her body, and is now facing 15 years, FIFTEEN YEARS, in prison. Surely some mistake. 115 years more like. This revolting non-human being planned everything from the moment he agreed to allow Swedish journalist Kim Wall to spend time in his stupid submarine. As a fellow journalist, my heart aches for this girl, trying to do her job and not ever imagining that she could possibly be signing her death warrant by so doing. The last hours of her life are too terrifying to ponder on. Then there is this totally bizarre case of the US Olympic gymnastics doctor, Larry Nassar, convicted of sexually abusing 160 of the young girls for whom he was responsible over a period of years. Most of them were too young even to fully realise that he was taking advantage of them while supposedly carrying out medical examinations. At least he is going to spend the rest of his miserable life in prison. But these girl gymnasts, now grown up and aware of what he did to them, will they ever again trust men in authority? I wouldn't. And now in the UK, we have this gross story of old men attending a men-only charity fund-raising event and groping the waitresses, all of whom had been told to wear skimpy clothes. There is only one word for it: disgusting. But in this era of sexual harrassment awareness, how can such a charity dinner be organised and condoned? Dirty old men are dirty old men whether they're wearing raincoats or dinner jackets. These despicable men should be identified and taken down to the nearest police station. Right, I've had my say!

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