Monday 1 May 2023

Will the coronation of King Charles III be a magical moment or just a day out?

The coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla is just five days away and people are already putting up tents along the Mall so that they can get the best views as the famous old creaky gold coronation coach goes by with a waving monarch. So is this day - May 6 - going to be a wondrous, magical occasion for everyone living in this great country and also for millions of others around the world, or has the whole idea of kings and queens gone slightly off the boil in this super-stressful, struggling, social-media-mad, war-damaged planet? The answer is: probably the latter. There is no doubt that the pageantry will be wonderful to watch and it will be a reminder that we Brits can do public ceremonial occasions like no other nation on earth. But magical, romantic, emotional and awesome? Not so much. This is partly or mainly because Charles has been around for decades waiting to take over the top spot in the monarchy, so we know him as well as we are allowed to - and actually a lot more because of all the excrutiatingly embarrassing intercepted phone calls between him and Camilla way back during their secret love affair - and he is in his 70s, and his wife, soon to be our new queen, is of the same agee. The two of them look like a very happily married couple of pensioners. Such a contrast - and it's not their fault of course - to when Princess Elizabeth became queen in her 20s. She was so pretty and so unprepared for taking over the monarchy after the sudden death of her father that she became the darling of the nation. Everyone sympathised with the immense responsibility placed on her shoulders and loved her speech when she promised to serve her subjects till the day she died. THAT was a magical moment, and the coronation WAS an awesome spectacle. The one on May 6 has no hope of matching the one on June 2, 1953. But it will be a nice day out and by all accounts the sun will be shining. So a bit of true Brit ceremonial magic but not magical.

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