Sunday 28 May 2023

Another reason why Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination

Donald Trump will end up with plenty of rivals for the Republican presidential nomination. So it will be a really tough fight? Well actually not at all and the reason is simple. None of the other candidates, whether it be Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Mike Pence or Tom Scott or whoever is going to dare to come out and attack the former president with everything they have got. Because if they do, they will alienate the very people whom they will be trying their best to win over. In other words, the only way they are going to beat Trump is by being nice about him but at the same time try to offer an alternative way forward to make Trump loyalists begin to have doubts about a man who is not only 76 but also one of the most controversial politicians in US history. This is called trying to square the circle. An outright attack on Trump will put so many Republican voters off that it will be like committing political suicide. One way for the Trump challengers to make their case might be to ignore Trump altogether, not mention him, just focus on their own agenda and hope it's enough for the millions of supporters of The Donald to switch. But that would be like being in a room with the largest elephant on the planet and pretending it's not there. Another option might be to praise Trump for everything he has done and stands for but suggest that it would be a good idea to have a younger nominee to take on the octogenarian Joe Biden. But a lot of Republican voters with Trump as their favourite might think that's disrespectful. So every which way, the challenge for the Trump rivals is going to be very very difficult. Put a foot wrong, say the wrong thing, even hint that Trump is past it and the voters will wither away. For all these reasons, I repeat what I said before, Trump is going to win the nomination, way ahead of his rivals, and will probably beat Biden.

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