Sunday 15 September 2024

Trump's eating pets jibe at Haitian migrants is a social media phenomenon

Normally when a politician makes a ridiculous claim or allegation he or she is lambasted as an idiot or a weirdo. But not in Donald Trump's case. He claimed that Haitain migrants living in Springfield, Ohio were eating people's pet cats and dogs. There is supposedly no evidence of this at all, apart from the odd rumour on social media about a dog or cat being snatched and eaten. But no one, until Trump latched on to it, has taken any of this seriously. But Trump claimed it was going on to underline his political position which is that millions of migrants should be deported. Instead of being castigated by everyhone, Republicans and Democrats alike, his claim has become a social media phenomenon. His words have been set to music and it's so hilarious that it has become a source of huge entertainment. One, in particular, by @TheKiffness, called Eating the Cats, is very slickly put together and has become a big hit. Trump will benefit from this huge interest in his comment because a lot of people in America believe everything Trump says. Haitians eating cats and dogs in Springfield is no doubt the talk of the dinner table across the country. This is social media gone mad.

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