Monday 9 September 2024

Tomorrow night is the Big Night for Donald and Kamala

Unlike the TV debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden after which everyone who watched it went to bed feeling excrutiatingly nonplussed, tomorrow night's debate between Trump and Kamala Harris has a helluva lot riding on it. It's Kamala's big chance to show she can outgun Trump and it's Trump's chance to belittle Kamala and put a final end to her honeymoon period as the Biden replacement for the Democratic presidential nomination. It could go either way. If Kamala sticks to her briefs and sounds off like the prosecutor she once was, she might do serious damage to Trump's self-confidence and self-importance and come out smiling. Trump won't do his campaign any good if he starts insulting Kamala and behaves like a spoilt brat, or worse still, a grumpy old man. Kamala has nearly four years of experience as Biden's vice president and she can claim to be partly responsible for the achievements of Biden's administration. But she will also have to acknowledge that not everything went according to plan. Like the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Trump, or course, will be able to boast that he was the president for four years and can claim all sorts of wonderful achievments, even if they are not born out by the facts. It should be quite a show. Good luck, Kamala.

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