Wednesday 4 September 2024

Putin strikes while the world's attention is on Gaza

With Gaza and the appalling politics surrounding the hostages still being held by Hamas in underground tunnels, Putin has leapt in to launch more and more strikes against Ukrainian cities, killing dozens and destroying buildings. War is a cynical business and the Russian leader knows better than most how to exploit situations when they become available. Gaza has been in the forefront of the world's attention, with the brutal killing of six hostages, including an American, Britain's decision to suspend some arms sales to Israel, and the never-ending search for a ceasefire and hostage release deal that is never going to happen. Putin chose this moment to order one of the biggest missile attacks on Ukraine for months, causing devastation. And all this is playing out while the US is divided over who is going to be the next president. The wars in Ukraine and Gaza could just make the difference between an election victory for Kamala Harris and an election triumph for Donald Trump. Trump at least gives the impression that he would sort out the wars almost as soon as he takes office whereas I think it's fair to say that Kamala Harris hasn't promised to do anything that might bring the wars to a close in the very near future. American voters who read the terrible news about Ukraine and Gaza every day might just be tempted to risk going for Trump because of the belief, rightly or wrongly, that he is more likely to stop the bloodshed than the calm and smiling Kamala. The truth, of course, is that neither Trump nor Kamala would really be in a position to wave a hand and stop the fighting. It has all become much too complex and unresolvable.

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