Saturday 27 July 2024

Trump says only he can prevent a Third World War

After his meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, at his resort in Florida, Donald Trump gave a pretty alarming prediction. He told reporters that if he wasn't elected as president in November, there would be a major Middle East war and probably a Third World War. Or to put it another way, if Kamala Harris is elected in November, there would be a major war in the Middle East and a Third World War. That is what he is implying. He has always said he would end the war in Ukraine even before taking up office (in January 2025), if he wins the election, and he has encouraged Netanyahu to fnish off the job in Gaza as quickly as possible. The only problem with dismissing Trump's prediction of a Third wWrld War unless he is sitting in the Oval Office is that a lot of other people recently have been warning about the threat of a Third wWrld War, including the new head of the British Army. So, is Kamala Harris ready to step in and ensure there is no Third World War? Or will she follow Joe Biden and keep arming Ukraine for as long as it takes to defeat Russia, and would she consider not arming Israel because of her concern about Palestinian deaths? We don't yet know the answer to these questions, nor do we know what cunning scheme Trump has up his sleeve to end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours of taking office.

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