Thursday 4 July 2024

How is a new British prime minister going to deal with Trump?

It's election day in the United Kingdom and the polls say the Conservatives are going to be heavily defeated after 14 years in office which means the Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer who has very little hutzpah will be the next prime minister. If Donald Trump wins in November, how on earth is Prime Minister Starmer going to cope with the MAGA Man? Only Boris Johnson out of all the leaders Britain has had in the last few years, looked comfortable in Trump's presence, and Boris is gone. Starmer and Trump will be like the new boy meeting an overbearing headmaster. Starmer has never given the impression in all his time as leader of the Labour party that he is bursting with confidence and visionary ideas, so if he has Trump in the White House across the Atlantic, I can't imagine the so-called special relationship will survive, at least not politically. The intelligence services on either side of the Atlantic will carry on as normal. But Trump and Starmer are never going to be easy bedfellows. With any luck, all the furore over Joe Biden will die down and the 81-year-old president will win another four years. Starmer and Biden would have a much better chance of forming a decent relationship. I bet Starmer is holding his breath.

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