Tuesday 2 July 2024

Immunity from prosecution might not help Trump become president

All the focus since the US Supreme Court ruled Donald Trump should enjoy immunity from prosecution for anything he did in his official capacity as president has been on the tremendous victory that has given him. He now won't face any of the outstanding trials till after the election and with the Supreme Court behind him, he has every chance of waltzing into the White House and becoming King of the universe, able to do what he wants. BUt there's an alternate argument I believe. With such potential powers in his hands, unlimited thanks to the new interpretation of the constitution by six of the nine judges on the Supreme Court, Trump could run amok, although I dismiss the ridiculous suggestion that he would be allowed to order the US Navy Seals to kill his political opponents. Nevertheless, the new powers might just frighten American citizens so much that they will no longer even consider voting for Trump. They will know in their hearts that that nice man Joe Biden wouldn't abuse his powers by exploiting the new Supreme Court interpretation. So, old he may be, but they might think it would be safer to keep him in the White House and prevent Trump from getting his hands on the reigns of power. So the Supreme Court might just have ruined Trump's chances of winning the election. What an extraordinary twist that would be, and definitely not what the six judges intended when they came to their outrageously wrong conclusion.

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