Wednesday 31 July 2024

The world is totally divided between democrats and dictators

Yet another example has come to light of how the world is divided between democratially-elected countries and autocratically-orchestrated countries. Twas ever thus, especially in the Cold War but we are in a new era and growing proof of this global divide just makes the planet that much more dangerous. The latest example is Venezuela. Ruled by the dictator Nicolas Maduro since he came to power in 2013, a so-called election has taken place and Maduro was reelected but only after massive rigging of the votes. So he stays in power and will continue to ruin the country's economy which he has done so successfully in the past decade. Millions of Venezuelans have fled the country, leaving behind their homes and possessions to try and find a safer and more hopeful life. So any right-minded international leader would condemn the fraudulent election. But of course Russia and China both leapt in to give their congratulations and support to Maduro. Vladimir Putin and Xi Zinping don't worry about fraud and ruined economies and desperate families and violent repression. They want to show the world, and in particular Washington, that democracy is outdated and that dictatorships are best and here to stay. So they offer their devotion to Maduro, even as he sends in his troops to attack protesters and kill them in the streets. The US should have done something about Venezuela a long time ago but half-heartedly supported the then opposition leader but without any form of back-up. Maduro, backed up by Russia and Cuba, survived easily and stuck two fingers at Washington and his own people. Now Venezuela is doomed and will never recover.

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