Saturday 20 January 2024

Israeli politics is destroying any chance of peace

There's going to be no peace in the Middle East while Binyamin Netanyahu is in power in Israel. He has ruled out any possibility of creating a Palestine state under the two-state proposal of old and wants Israel to basically control and be in charge of Gaza and the West Bank for ever, athough he accepts Palestinians could run everything except security. Despite badgering by Washington, Netanyahu has set his face against anything that even hints of Palestinian autonomy. Anyone with a modicum of brain cells and a sense of history knows that at some point in the future there has to be a place in this world for the Palestinians to live and breathe and be their own master in their own land. If the Israelis have their own borders, why shouldn't the Palestinians? But it's never going to happen under Netanyahu's watch. He has never accepted the two-state solution and after October 7 he is never going to change his mind. While it's understandable that he wants Hamas to play no part in any future territorial arrangement, there has to be a way round it. No Hamas but something else. I also understand why he doesn't want to give more power to the Palestinian Authority because as an organisation it has been riddled with corruption and incompetence. But a non-Hamas solution must be found which doesn't undermine Israel's security in any way but gives Palestinians a new sense of independence and recognition. Under Netanyahu it's just not going to happen.

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