Thursday 23 November 2023

Can there be any doubt that Putin will stand again in March and win?

There is lots of speculation over whether Vladimir Putin will stand for reelection next March. That has to be the haha joke of the month. Of course Putin will stand for and win next March's election. Even though there must be some Russians who hate the fact that their sons and husbands and brothers etc have been forced to fight a terrible war in Ukraine with thousands of them dying or suffering injuries, Putin will still be president post-March because that's the way Russia is and always has been. They like a guy who struts the world stage and even though Putin has been afraid to go anywhere abroad because of the risk of being arrested for war crimes, he has remained a global figure. So there is no way he is suddenly going to decide to step down and retire to his dacha/palace on the Black Sea. We're stuck with Putin for many years to come. Meanwhile, autocracy is becoming more prevalent around the world. Donald Trump could well become the US president again next November. An extreme right-wing ideologue has just won the election in The Netherlands, and also in Argentina. Marie Le Pen must be getting excited for when she has another go at becoming president of France. But here in Britain, we will be going the other way if we have an election next year, as expected. The Conservatives will be thrown out after 13 years in charge and a centrist Labour politician, Keir Starmer, looks set to become the new leader of the country. We like being different.

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