Friday 9 June 2023

Could Trump really be sent to prison?

When Donald Trump appears in court next week for the second time in about two months, the only question that will be in the minds of every single person inside the courtoom and outside in the big wide world is this: is the US prosecuting system going to send the 45th president to prison? Well, of course, first they have to prove their case and there are innumerable arguments Trump's defence counsel will come up with that will try to justify why the former president removed several hundred classified documents from the White House to his home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida. So even a prima facie case against Trump - ie he did remove the documents because the FBI found them - will be undermined by the reasoning that it was ok to have done so, that Trump didn't endanger national security in so doing, that the documents were declassified in the former president's mind (!), that the FBI had no right to invade his home etc etc. But if, despite all this effort by his defence counsel, Trump is convicted, would he actually be sent to prison? Would they, could they, do that? To a former president and a man who is determined to be president again in 2024? The answer is, yes of course they could but I don't see it happening.

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