Saturday 22 April 2023

So farewell the great Barry Humphries

Barry Humphries, one of the all-time great entertainers with his comic roles, Dame Edna Everage and slovenly Australian diplomat Sir Les Patterson. One of his funniest jokes was during a chat show with Michael Parkinson. He was appearing as Les Patterson. Parkinson asked him how Lady Patterson was doing. He replied that she was ok although she had rung from Australia to say that their dog appeared to have gone deaf because he wasn't responding to her calls. He advised her to go to a chemist to get some depilatory ointment because he knew their dog had too much hair in its ears. So Lady Patterson went to the chemist and asked him for some depilatory cream. The chemist wondered if the cream was for her face because if it was he warned her that it would make her face very sensitive for a few days and she should keep out of the sun, or if it was for her legs she wouldn't be able to walk comfortably for a day or so. Lady Patterson said: "It's actually for my Schnauzer." To which the chemist replied: "Well in that case you shouldn't ride a bike for a couple of weeks."

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