Saturday 15 April 2023

Mike Pompeo says no to 2024 election

Mike Pompeo, a very slimmed-down former US secretary of state and before that CIA director, has decided not to stand in the 2024 presidential election. A wise move on his part since the election is going to be only about one person and one thing. Trump and MAGA (Make America Great Again) Trumpism. On the Republican side at least there is going to be no room for anyone else and Pompeo has clearly realised that. So he will bide his time until 2028. So we've still got Nikki Haley in the running for the Republican nomination. Nice try, Nikki, but you have no chance. Then there's Mike Pence, ex-vice president but I feel an ex all the way. Can't see him making the grade against Trump. And numerous others, the grandest of whom is Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida. But I think he has slipped down the reckonings in recent weeks despite backing by the Rupert Murdoch empire. For me he doesn't look or sound right to be president. Not in 2024 anyway. So that basically leaves Trump whatever happens to him between now and November next year. But on the other side more and more people, well political commentators and some Democrats (not that many), are saying Joe Biden should think very hard about standing for another four years, especially after his performances in Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic where, despite his joy about returning to his Irish roots, he seemed often confused and his speechmaking haltering. He does walk funnily too and every time I watch him gingerly walking down the steps from Air Force One, I hold my breath and keep my fingers crossed. But he has pretty well said he wants to stand again. His last remark was that he will definitely stand but he is not yet ready to announce it. Hm!! That was a bit weird. If he has definitely made up his mind why doesn't he definitely announce it? The longer he waits the more doubters there will be in his country and around the world that he is capable of being pesident for a seond term. But I can tell you this for free, Joe. If you stand and beat Trump, the world, well most of it, will be so relieved, everyone will welcome you like a Messiah for another four years in the White House.

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