Monday 27 June 2022

Please Joe Biden speak up!

No one has to bellow and gesticulate like Donald Trump. But raising your voice a little really helps when trying to get across a very important message. Joe Biden just hasn't got it. The voice I mean. At the G7 summit in Bavaria he spoke like a lost soul when he appeared before the cameras. He spoke about Ukraine and the importance of not letting Pootn win as if he had just woken up from a long sleep. The message came across so quiet, almost a whisper, and no conviction at all. Surely he could have raised the decibles a touch and remind the world, and especially Pootn, that he is the president who has sent more than $5 billion of weapons to help the Ukrainians survive against the Russian onslaught. Of course we don't miss Trump, no one does, at least on this side of the Atlantic, but when he walked into a room or onto the stage he barged everyone out of the way and spoke to camera wanting the whole world to hear what he had to say. With Biden, it's all gentle gentle sleepy sleepy. Putin I bet had to turn up his TV volume to actually hear what he said about Ukraine. The thing is that as Biden gets older I doubt he is going to change the volume. Indeed, he is more likely to get quieter and quieter and more and more sleepy-sounding. When Maggie Thatcher came to power she received speech-training to lower her vocal tones and inject a more forceful sound. It worked although her voice became somewhat strident, but no one doubted who was the boss. Biden needs some serious speech-training and advice on projecting his voice and throwing his arms around a bit. Just to give the impression that he really does care what he is saying and wants everyone to hear his every word. Come on, Joe, speak up and at 'em.

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