Tuesday 24 May 2022

Henry Kissinger on Ukraine is, I'm afraid, absolutely right

Henry Kissinger is 98 but still one of the wisest men on the planet and what he says on Ukraine should be listened to by both sides in the war which is devastating not only Ukraine but also the world economy and the livelihood of the poorest people on this earth. He told the gathering of world leaders and officials in Davos that a peace deal must be negotiated as soon as possible and that the US-led western nations should stop dreaming about defeating the Russian army. Some leaders in the West are doing just that, believing that the best outcome in the war in Ukraine is for the Russians to be soundly defeated and sent packing back to their garrisons in Russia. But as Kissinger warns, a defeated and humiliated Russia would be a dangerous outcome because Vladimir Putin would seek to take revenge which could be calamitous for the planet. Russia cannot simply be ostracised from the rest of the world and never spoken to again. Despite the brutality and aggression and unprovoked invasion of another country's sovereignty, Russia is not going to go away. So it's important that instead of hoping for a massive defeat of the Russian forces, a deal has to be done. A deal which will inevitably involve giving up some Ukrainian territory. Kissinger is the oldest diplomat left on earth and this is what he believes must happen, and the sooner the better. It's the old Realpolitik at play. Kissinger knows what he is talking about and everyone should take note, especially Putin and President Zelensky. A deal of some sort has to be negotiated quickly before it's too late. Otherwise the war will go on for ever.

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