Friday 29 January 2021

What Biden says according to his sign language interpreter

It just made me laugh even though it's a serious matter. Joe Biden's sign language interpreter turns out to be a big Trump supporter and when he was saying things like "we must stop building the wall on the border", she was signing the opposite! Hysterical. The people I feel really sorry for you are those suffering from hard of hearing who relied on her to tell them what the president was saying and got showered with Trumpisms. Anyway she has been found out, according to the Washington Post. Her appeal to be allowed to stay in the job has fallen on deaf ears haha! I used to wonder in the Cold War superpower summit days how accurately the interpreters interpreted when the American and Soviet presidents were chatting together. Were they tempted to do a bit of propaganda stuff to stir things up. Such power they had to over-interpret or sum up too concisely or just plain get it wrong, deliberately or otherwise. The problem for Biden is that he will want absolute assurance that when he says what he says the sign language expert is not playing games. The best solution is that he sends off all his aides to sign language school. Then they can watch every time Biden stands up to speak and interrupt if the president is misquoted by the sign language interpreter. It would make terrific theatre, especially for those with unfortunate deafness problems because they could watch and enjoy the spectacle and understand what the hell is going on.

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