Wednesday 6 January 2021

Senate set for a Democrat majority thanks to Trump

The Trump brand is truly coming to an end. Not only did Donald Trump lose the presidential election but his antics since pretty well scuppered whatever hope the Republican Party had of retaining their majority in the Senate. It looks like the two contested seats in Georgia will both go to Democrats. Thus Senator Mitch McConnell will no longer be the Majority Leader. He has Trump to thank for this extraordinary turn of events. Trump's constant ranting about how the election was fraudulent must surely have put a lot of voters off him, even those who might have considered voting Republican. For Joe Biden it's nothing but good news, to be in charge of the White House and to have political control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate is like having strawberry jam on bread with clotted cream on top. Dollops of it. It will make his life so much easier, at least for his first 100 days. With Nancy Pelosi in the House and Chuck Schumer in the Senate - povided the Georgia wins are confirmed - legislation will get through whatever the Republicans say. The numbers are so close it probably won't last long but Biden will start his presidency in the best possible circumstances. And yet, with Trump around, even down in Florida on the golf course, he will still face challenges because the 45th president has such a hold over the Republican Party. It's like Republicans dare not speak up to criticise him, even though it looks like he was responsible for losing the two crucial seats in Georgia. On January 20 the Republican Party as a whole has to move away from Trump and look to a future without him. Otherwise they will be out of power for a long time.

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