Wednesday 23 December 2020

Trump's unreality show

The unreality show is what's going on in the White House right now. Normally during the transition period the staff of the White House start packing their goods, taking down the photos of their spouses, children and dogs, making urgent calls to potential new employers, arguing over whether that new coffee percolator was Fred's, Jim's or Sally's, or was government property, finishing doing expenses for December and generally preparing for the grand exit before the new lot turn up. Judging by a memo obtained by Politico, that was what was going on in the Trump White House until there was a sudden reversal memo. The contradicting memos neatly summed up the are-we-staying-are-we-going atmosphere stirred up by the president himself who is still fighting his cause that he, not Joe Biden, won the election and, therefore, has no reason to leave the big white building. According to Politico, the first memo arrived on Tuesday and informed staff in the Executive Office of the President that they should start to leave from January 4. They were advised about all kinds of important process requirements such as benefits, outstanding sick pay, sorting out an inventory of everything, handing over security clearance stuff and, most important, returning all White House-headed stationery. Then, they were told, everywhere was going to be defumigated. Charming! But ooops the very next day there was a second memo which told the staff to forget about the first memo and wait for new orders. Perhaps the president had seen a copy of the first memo and shouted at someone that if the staff were all packing up to go how on earth was he going to get people to serve him for the next four years. It's definitely unreality time for all in the White House. The Boss is supposed to be going but he doesn't want to go and if all the staff start walking out with their box of goodies it will look to the world as if the Trump era is over. I can't wait to see the third memo when it gets leaked.

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