Thursday 3 December 2020

Former UK defence secretary says we are the best

The announcement that the UK is the first to approve the coronavirus vaccine for public use has set off a blaze of criticism, pomposity, national flag-waving and general ya boo sucks. It's incredible how angry other nations are about us getting to the approval stage before anyone else. Donald Trump has berated the US regulatory body for undermining his own hopes to be first. He wanted to declare: "America First." He ca'nt understand why the American equivalent for the UK regulatory body still hasn't got its act together. But Dr Anthony Fauci, the public face of infectious disease experts in America, has blithely claimed that the UK was too quick and should have waited like responsible bodies who are still examining the data in a measured and professional manner. OUCH! Fauci is definitely off Boris Johnson's Christmas card list. Europe has been just as bad, if not sniffy about Britain being first and getting very hot under the collar over the suggestion that we got to be first thanks to Brexit because we didn't have to face all that EU bureaucracy and just went ahead and approved the vaccine all on our own. It's all hogwash really, because in this globalised world nothing is done without everyone being involved one way or the other. For a start it's not a UK vaccine. It's a German/Turkish one with US distribution and cash. BUT our regulatory body examined and crunched the figures and made its assessment and approved it before any other body anywhere else in the world. Does that make us better and more competent? Again, not really. It's only going to be a matter of days before another country, US probaby, announces the go ahead. It wasn't supposed to be a competition but of course that is exactly what it seems like and the UK breasted the tape before the US did. And Trump hates coming second. He has now come second twice in the last month. No wonder he is steaming with rage! If Trump reads the UK newspapers or listens to the BBC he will have had to put up with the remarks made by Gavin Williamson, former UK defence secretary and now education secretary. He burbled on on radio this morning that the UK is the best country in the world, far better than other country and that's why we approved the vaccine first. You couldn't see on radio but what's the betting he was wearing Union Jack socks when he made the remarks and probably waved a flag. I'm as patriotic as the next man or woman but Williamson is awful. Cringingly awful.

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