Tuesday 15 September 2020

Will Joe Biden's plan to move politically left turn off the voters?

Bernie Sanders was the first one to come out of the woodwork to raise concerns among the most liberal Democrats that Joe Biden might not be progressive enough if he were to win the White House in November. Bernie, the veteran socialist campaigner, appears to have stirred things up. Now Elizabeth Warren, a likely candidate for membership of Biden's cabinet, is also thought to be pushing hard behind the scenes for a very progressive manifesto that would include a massive economic stimulus package that would dwarf Trump's attempts to save the economy from the Covid-19 pandemic's destruction and he has spent nearly $4 trillion. There will also be tax swipes against the rich plus a much harder-hitting attack on Wall Street than Obama ever considered. In fact Obama hardly touched Wall Street, much to Bernie's dismay. Biden is under pressure to go left left left and rebuild the US economy with the help of a gigantic borrowing programme. If voters in general get the feeling that Joe Biden is going to be a socialist president, chucking out everything Trump has tried to do to improve the economy, will this be an election winner? Socialism is a tricky word in the United States The great progressive socialist reformers like President Theodore Roosevelt changed the US for the better. His "square deal" programme for the average American transformed lives and livelihoods. But this was at the turn of the 20th century. We're in a different world today. Many Americans still have the attitude that life is about taking care of yourself in your own way and the less government interferes the better. They certainly don't want some all-embracing socialist system that in some way undermines the American Dream. To them, socialism is a bad word. As indeed it is to Trump who will no doubt harangue Biden and the Democrats for wanting to turn the country into a benefits, welfare nation incapable of fending for itself. Biden will have to be careful not to turn himself into a Bernie Sanders. Bernie was never going to win the presidency because of his perceived extreme socialism. Biden dare not go down that road or he will lose the election race. On the other hand if he is too middle-of-the-road, he will be decried as another Obama who for all his political and personal talents never did quite enough to rescue the economy from the 2008 financial recession and often prevaricated over key foreign policy decisions. Whatever Biden decides to offer the American people, Trump will be right behind him to pounce with warnings of socialism with a very big S.

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