Sunday 27 September 2020

Amy Coney Barrett could make the difference on November 3

In every possible way Judge Amy Coney Barrett could become the big issue in the US presidential election. Appointing a new justice to sit on the Supreme Court in the United States is a big big big political event. It's huge! I don't suppose the majority of people in Britain have a clue who serves on the British Supreme Court. It's just not that big a deal. The Supreme Court here in UK is about the law. In the US it's about the law AND politics and social mores and, yes, it can be about who becomes the next president of the United States. So no pressure, Justice Barrett! By all accounts she is a seriously brainy lady but she is also super-conservative in her views on life - like abortion for example (against it big time) - and deeply religious. In other words perfect for Trump to select and move into position in the Supreme Court before November 3 to make sure he has the balance of conservative thinkers on the bench totally in his favour when the votes start coming in. Judge Amy Coney Barrett tells us it's all about the law but, hey lady, you know it's about much more than that. This is why the Democrats are going to fight tooth and nail to stop her being confirmed before the election, so that if Biden wins, she will be forced out of the reckoning and someone more liberal-minded can be slotted in. But confirmation has to be made by the Senate, not by the House, and the Senate is Republican-controlled. So unless a bunch of Republican senators decide to go all soft and refuse to vote for her confirmation there is every chance Trump will force the whole process through in double-quick time and get her seated well before November 3. Even Senator Mitt Romney, Trump's biggest critic in the Republican party, has agreed that the president has the right to nominate a new member of the Supreme Court even in an election year. Polls suggest the majority of voters would prefer the decision on the new Supreme Court justice, following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, should be postponed until after the election. But there is no way Trump is going to delay anything. I see fireworks ahead but success for Trump.

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