Saturday 5 September 2020

Trump won't go, Bernie Sanders warns

Now Bernie Sanders, the old political warrior, has joined the cries of warning that Donald Trump, facing defeat in November, will refuse to leave the White House. It's an extraordinary possibility, almost unbelieveable except that we're talking here about a president who has on several occasions suggested that the only way he can lose the election is if it's rigged or there's fraud in the mail-in ballot system. So whatever happens on November 3, Trump is almost bound to say that the result, if he loses, is not safe or accurate or lawful. The chances are that if a large proportion of voters makes use of the postal ballot then there is going to be a delay in announcing the winner. So during the hiatus of days, maybe weeks, Trump will of course still be president and he could use that time to emphasis to the nation that whatever emerges he should stay in the White House. Bernie Sanders is calling on the media and Congress to keep a watch out and constantly to sound the alert that Trump is plotting to evade or ignore the election result if Joe Biden slips in front. But what if there's a landslide victory for Biden? I doubt that would stop Trump. He will still say the voting system is faulty. This is an unprecedented situation. I'm not aware of any former American president announcing that he will not stand down. Is Bernie Sanders right to give his warning or is he just playing politics? We don't know yet but everyone in the US should start getting very nervous.

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