Monday 27 July 2020

Waiting for Biden to make up his mind about his running mate

If there was an easy and obvious frontrunner I guess Joe Biden would have already announced his vice presidential choice. But the US papers are still full of guesses and speculation. No one name has risen to the top. Every day the name is different. To a certain extent it's Biden's fault. For all the right reasons he said a long time ago that his vice presidential running mate would definitely be a woman. Everyone at the time thought this was a positive move. In fact it was positive discrimination if you like. But now he has to choose one from about a dozen likely women. He is looking for someone he can really really get on with and become a bosom pal with (sorry!), someone he can totally trust and someone who won't be plotting from Day One to take over from him if he gets ill or too old. If he hadn't stipulated that it would be a woman would his choice now be easier? Well, probably, there would be several potential candidates, such as Pete Buttigieg or maybe even Beto O'Rourke or Julian Castro. But a woman it has to be. I'm personally very much in favour and have always supported Kamala Harris for the job. But Biden has to feel he can work in a warm and friendy atmosphere with his choice and apparently although Kamala Harris and many of the female candidates on the Biden shortlist are excellent, he can't make up his mind who fits the bill. He and Barack Obama got on like buddies. That, for him, was the perfect combination. Can he revive that sort of relationship with Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren or Susan Rice or Tammy Duckworth? Does he wish he could choose Pete Buttigieg? If he doesn't get the chemistry thing he's after then Biden will have to go for the woman with the right political and cultural baggage. Right now, that has to be my favourite, Kamala Harris. But who knows? Look what John McCain did when he was Republican nominee for president. He just couldn't make up his mind and did the most stupid thing of all, choosing Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. Out of some desperate urge to be different. It was one of the reasons for his defeat. Biden is far ahead in the polls but if he picks the wrong running-mate, Trump and the voters, will jump on him because his running mate could be the 47th president of the United States.

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