Tuesday 21 July 2020

President Trump can't rely on Fox News anymore!

Donald Trump appears on Fox News with his favourite interviewers whenever he wants and he takes full advantage. He does appear on other channels of course and occasionally gives an interview to a newspaper. But Fox is his favoured platform for broadcasting his views, his claims and his denunciations. But I wonder if he will feel so comfortable with Fox after his weekend interview with Chris Wallace. Interviewer Wallace gave him a hard time, wouldn't let him get away with clearly dodgy claims and statements and exposed his lack of knowledge or perhaps his refusal to acknowledge what was going wrong with the battle against the coronavirus pandemic. Trump's style has always been broad brush. Ask him a specific question and he will sweep it away with a general dismissive answer. But in the interview on Sunday it didn't work at all well for the president. He still insisted that the pandemic is as good as beaten and that the high death rate in the United States is only because of the level of testing and tracking compared with other countries. The facts are that more than 140,000 American citizens have died from coronavirus. That's more than anywhere else on the planet. But Trump doesn't see that as in any way a reason for criticism or blame. Wallace took him up on that but Trump wouldn't accept responsibility for the appalling death rate. As for his chances of being reelected in November, Trump described the polls that show Joe Biden is enjoying a double digits lead over him as fake. And then, alarmingly, he said he would wait and see what he would do if Biden mysteriously managed to beat him in November. So we're back to that fun and games: a defeated president refusing to leave the White House. He can't seriously mean it, but Trump appeared to be suggesting that in the interests of the country's future happiness and prosperity he couldn't let someone like Biden, whom he described as too incompetent to be president, to succeed him in the White House. He said Biden didn't even know if he was alive. Haha, very amusing. But the idea that Biden would be prevented from taking the keys of the White House wasn't funny at all. The Chris Wallace interview didn't do Trump any favours. The president must be seething. Who can he turn to now to guarantee him a safe and easy platform for promulgating his views? Just over 100 days to go before the election and for the moment Trump is unwittingly handing the job of the most powerful leader in the world to his "sleepy" rival.

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