Wednesday 29 July 2020

Trump and Putin chat on the phone quite a lot

Here's an interesting piece of information: Since February Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have spoken on the phone at least eight times. That's more than once a month. A transcript of each call would be historically fascinating. One thing they didn't talk about was the allegation that the Russian military intelligence service, the GRU, had paid bounties last year to the Taliban to kill US servicemen in Afghanistan. Trump didn't raise it and, of course, Putin didn't mention it either. But then both Trump and the Kremlin had called the allegation fake news when it first appeared in the New York Times in June. Trump claimed he had never even been told about it by his CIA briefer because she didn't think it had credibility. But it did appear in written form in his presidential brief, supplied by the same CIA officer in February. Trump couldn't recall it and ever since then he has rubbished the intelligence on the GRU/Taliban accusation. So not a word about it when he and Putin had nice chats on the phone. At least eight times since that "intelligence" appeared in Trump's briefing document. So what did they talk about? And was it terribly friendly? Did Trump call him Vladimir or Vlad and did Putin call Trump Donald? I think we need to know. I bet they didn't compare notes on how their respective hypersonic weapons programmes were going? But did they perhaps commiserate over the pandemic or discuss any future Trump Tower-type building projects for Moscow in the future, or talk about their golf handicaps? Does Putin play golf? I don't think so. But he does ride horses with his shirt off and loves a good tumble on the judo floor and is a dab fisherman, none of which Trump does. Were all the eight conversations very different or were they just keeping themselves abreast of Washington/Kremlin views on the Middle East, China, North Korea and, possibly, Venezuela and Libya. I wonder what they each get out of the phone chats? I can't imagine Putin gives anything away and probably gets more from Trump. But does Trump grab the opportunity to berate Putin for all the skulduggery Moscow has been involved in over the last decade or so? I guess not. Otherwise Putin would never have agreed to EIGHT phone conversations with the president of the United States.

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