Saturday 18 July 2020

The US is at a turning point and it's worrying

A lot of Americans are now genuinely worried about the way their country is heading. The divisions that were highlighted when Donald Trump became president have become exacerbated. The Never Trumpers, Republicans who were against Trump from the beginning and are warning of the dangers of him winning another four years, include a lot of highly experienced former officials from the George W Bush era. I don't know how many are signed up to the Never Trump campaign but it seems to me they haven't really made such a huge impact on the political scene in Washington and elsewhere in the country to make a difference. In other words I don't think they are so powerful they will manage to persuade the whole Republican party to drop Trump. But their fear of another four years of Trump is reflected in many parts of the country. It makes you wonder why the senior hierarchy of the Republican party are not as anxious about that prospect as are these senior former officials who have served in different administrations and know how the US is viewed around the world. It is perhaps a cliche to say that the US is now at a turning point. Historians and commentators have been writing off America for years and have largely been proved wrong or too negative. But now with the prosepct of a second-term Trump I really do think the country is facing an important point in its progress towards this very different future we are all facing. Is Trump the right man to be in the White House from now until 2024. Indeed, is Joe Biden the right man to lead the US? The Never Trumpers don't want Trump obviously and believe he could seriously damage the country in the eyes of the world if allowed to rule for a second term. But would they be happy with Biden? I doubt it. There is no real leader ready and available to make the whole world unanimously say, "Ah thank God, now things will get better." That is seriously worrying.

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