Thursday 23 July 2020

The compulsory masked era begins

Tomorrow is M Day. Mask Day. Any company making face masks is going to be making a fortune because as from tomorrow all us Brits - well strictly speaking it's English because in our divided-up devolved Great Britain we in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are covered by different coronavirus rules - are obliged by law to wear masks in all shops, big and small. It's about time in my view but for some reason best known to the government and experts, it's now more important to cover up the mouth and nose post-July 24 than it was pre-July 24. That seems to me to make very little sense. But anyone caught not wearing a mask in the local supermarket or corner shop from tomorrow faces the risk of a £100 fine. It's the same in Washington DC, except the fine is $1,000. Despite the government edict I still expect there will be some shoppers who will refuse to wear a mask. That's the way human nature is. Trump refused for long enough because he felt it wasn't macho or something. Now he espouses wearing a mask as if he always thought it was a good idea. Boris Johnson wears his mask when he is out and about and I'm sure all ministers have been told to wear masks all the time when out in public. It's going to be the weirdest of times. If the experts are right and the wearing of masks is the most sensible thing to do to prevent any further spreading of the virus, then we have to put up with it as the new normal, as they say. I hate the new normal and long for normal normal.

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