Monday 25 May 2020

Joe Biden appears in public disguised in a black mask

The Democratic party presumptive presidential candidate emerged into the public eye for the frst time since lockdown in the United States, in a face-covering black mask. Even now it seems such an extraordinary sentence to write. This is truly a madly different world we live in. Joe Biden has, until now, been talking to the world from the basement bunker of his home in Wilmington, Delaware, his face for all to see, albeit on video. But today, Memorial Day, he emerged with his wife Jill, both of them in black masks. Donald Trump of course has appeared dozens of times in public, and always without a mask. Somehow I cannot imgaine Trump ever agreeing to cover his face when he is outside the White House. It would be beneath his dignity, even though there are many people who might think he should be setting an example. But Trump is Trump. Biden on the other hand thought it was important to show how responsible he is by covering his face. Trump must have smirked when he saw him. As far as the president is concerned, the coronavirus pandemic in the US is over and masks are for whimps. So that probably means Trump thinks Biden is a whimp for making his first appearance in public for two months in a black mask, although it would be wise for him not to say so. I think Biden was actually quite sensible and brave to cover his face, but there will be many who will draw the comparison between Trump's and Biden's different approach to the virus. If the US is getting back to normal too early, then the masked Biden will be seen as the man to trust. If the US return to normality works in Trump's favour and there is no resurge of the virus and the economy starts to bounce back, Biden may be viewed in a different light. Either way, the race for the White House is now up and running with the appearance at last of Biden in the fresh air. It's going to be one of the dirtiest campaigns ever!

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