Tuesday 19 May 2020

How was Trump allowed to take an anti-malarial drug to stave off coronavirus?

The president of the United States is the most watched, monitored, followed, protected, eavesdropped on human being in the whole of America. Every time he gets up to move to another room, well-dressed heavy-chested blokes whisper into their wrist microphones that POTUS is on the move, every time he goes to the bathroom, there are people around to follow him, wait for him until he has finished and then follow him wherever he wants to go once relieved. There is not a minute of any day throughout the year that POTUS is not observed by at least one paid flunkey and often by 21 flunkies. So how in heaven's name is Donald Trump able to go to his bathroom and help himself to one tablet of hydroxychloroquine every day? Actually you are supposed to take it at mealtime or with a glass of milk, so pehaps he has his little bottle of tablets sitting on the dining table when he waits for his food. But when you are paid to guard and look after the president and you see him popping an unknowntablet into his mouth, are you supposed, by law, to step in and seize the tablet for analysis? Trump revealed very casually that he had been taking hydroxychloroquine for about a week and hey presto he was fine and didn't have the virus. Ergo! But dear Mr President, that's a bit like the old joke: a man is sitting in a railway carriage throwing small pieces of pink paper out of the window. A fellow passenger asks him why he is doing it. He replies: "It's to keep the elephants away." "But there aren't any elephants," the bewildered fellow passenger says. "Well there you are, it's working," says the man. Why does Trump think that by taking a drug which most medical advisers advise AGAINST taking for coronavirus sufferers it will keep the virus away? Did he read it on Google? A lot of people have taken this drug in some countries, like Spain for example, but only as a medecine for those worst-affected by the virus, and for many victims of coronavirus the drug has brought on very unpleasant side effects. But Trump ignores all that and takes his daily tablet as if it is the only thing saving his life. OK he's taking zinc too and that might be harmless and certainy less controversial. But you do you wonder what gets into the head of the president of the United States, and why isn't the Secret Service intervening? They have to worry about anything and everything entering the mouth of the president, be it a double burger with melted cheese, a peanut bar or slice of Eton Mess. And what about the presidential physician Sean Conley, why isn't he doing something to stop this fad for an unwise anti-malarial drug? Conley put out a statement confirming Trump was taking it and that discussions had taken place about the pros and cons of having a daily dose after the discovery that one of the president's military valets had been tested positive for the virus. But he didn't say whether he thought it was a good or bad idea. Yu can bet your life that if Trump gets ill as a result of this obsession with hydroxychloroquine, his personal physician isn't going to last very long in the job.

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